- Single-component, ready-to-use and easily applied
- Low viscosity and deep penetration
- No VOC, environmentally-safe, non-toxic and odorless
- Interior/exterior, positive or negative applications
- Reduces moisture and vapor emission by up to 61% (ASTM F-2659)

Figure: ASTM F-2659 Standard Guide for Preliminary Evaluation of Comparative Moisture Condition of Concrete, Gypsum Cement and Other Floor Slabs and Screeds Using a Non-Destructive Electronic Moisture Meter
- Increases the service life of concrete coatings (protects against debonding, blistering, bubbling and adhesion failures)
- Increases the service life of concrete paints, stains and sealers
- Increases adhesion of coatings, paints and sealers
- Reduces or prevents fungus, mold, mildew, algae and bacteria growth on concrete floors, walls and under floor coverings (carpet, wood, vinyl, etc.)
- Becomes an integral part of treated substrate
- Reduces freeze-thaw damage
- Reduces or eliminates silicate dusting
- UV stable
- Can be applied to fresh or existing concrete
Methods of Application: Spray, roll or brush.
Apply using:
– Low-pressure sprayer |
– Paint brush or roller |
– Bristle broom |
– Squeegee |
Surface Preparation: Surface must be clean, free of surface efflorescence, paint, sealer, oil, adhesive, curing compound, form release agent and/or anything that will impede SOFIX CCC 100 penetration into the substrate.
Recommended cleaning methods include compressed air, pressure washing, scrubbing or other methods to remove surface dust, dirt or other contaminants.
Heavily contaminated areas must be cleaned using biodegradable concrete cleaners (CHEM-CRETE CONCLEAN CCC060, recommended) and a pressure washer to remove deeply penetrating contaminants.
SOFIX CCC 100 may be applied to damp surfaces free from standing water.
If installing resilient flooring, follow ASTM F710 (Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring)
Coverage: Two coats required, 200 ft2 per gallon, per coat (4.91 m2 per liter, per coat). Excessively porous substrates may require additional material. Apply with an even, uniform spreading rate.
Limitations: Do not apply under the following conditions:
- Temperature below 40ºF (5°C)
Precautions: During application, do not allow product to come in contact with metal or glass. If contact occurs, immediately wash contacted area with water to prevent crystal formation.
Cleaning: Clean all equipment and tools with clean water immediately after use.
Two-year shelf life when stored in its original, unopened container, in a cool, dry place. Always agitate the product before using. DO NOT ALLOW PRODUCT TO FREEZE. Repeated freezing and thawing may cause damage to the product.
As with all construction chemical products, adequate precautions and care must be taken during usage and storage. Avoid direct contact with foodstuff, eyes, skin and mouth. Contacted areas should be washed thoroughly with clean running water and soap.
Always wear protective goggles and gloves. In case of eye contact, flush for fifteen minutes with warm water. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention. In case of ingestion or swallowing, drink two glasses of clean water and seek medical attention. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
LIMITED WARRANTY: International Chem-Crete warrants that, at the time and place we make shipment, our materials will be of good quality and will conform to our published specifications in force on the date of acceptance of the order.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is included for illustrative purposes only, and to the best of our knowledge, is accurate and reliable. International Chem-Crete cannot, under any circumstances, make any guarantee of results or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information.
As International Chem-Crete has no control over product usage, it is recommended that the product be tested to determine suitability for a specific application and/or that our information is valid in a particular circumstance. Responsibility remains with the architect or engineer, contractor and owner for the design, application and proper installation of each product. Specifier and user shall determine the suitability of products for specific application and assume all responsibilities in connection therewith. Any liability is limited to the replacement of material if proven faulty. AM020323-01.